fula funk
Fula Funk Clothing Brand
Fabricated by the hands of Albert Castro , starting with a single piece of white drawing papper . The words " fula funk " were drawn . As the letters fell in to place & began to take character , the thought of what best symbolizes the life style , & the stylo he held . And there it was hanging . Off in the distance , draped over a microphone . A " pano " otherwise known as a bandana . And at that same moment , a visualization of a music note .Which has become the official logo of " fula funk " . The " F " note. Making the clothing brand a composition in style , where music notes hit fashion...
St worn & tested , from sun up to sun down. We distribute certified hoodies , etc. So if its cold as funk , we have that street gear needed to keep you going with out freezing up. And when its funking hot , we hold that cool gear. And we don't discriminate on age & size , so you will be able to find something for any funkers you know.
Again we like to thank you , for your business & support. Its always appreciated , and are goal to keep you funking along. For sum times its what we wear , that makes people stair. FULAFUNK clothing brand , if you dare...
Don't fallow lead the way...